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Cavity Wall Insulation Brisbane

We Install Insulation Into Existing Wall Cavities In Brisbane And Surrounding Suburbs.

Trusted by over 10,000 Aussie Home Owners


Insulation Extact Reviews

Summary of Benefits of Cavity Wall Insulation

Superior Thermal Performance - Market leading solution improving energy and Rvalue rating.


Superior Acoustic Performance - Fills the entire cavity, reducing vibrations and absorbs flanking noise.


Future Proofing - The glasswool does not breakdown over time, providing lifetime benefits.


Sustainable - The insulation is environmentally sourced, made from recycled glass material.


Water and Moisture Resistant - Silicone treated, trialed and tested, and does not sustain mould growth.


Termite Resistant - Materials have zero termite attraction.


Fire Resistant - Proven and tested to have zero combustibility.


Improved Health Conditions - Made from glass with zero carcinogens. Does not contain asbestos, plastic, or polystyrene.


Electricians and Gas Fitters Safe - Does not interrupt future cavity wall installation needs.

Odor Free - Does not create any odors inside the home.


Compliant and Certified - CodeMarked and compliant with up-to-date Australian building Standards.


Significantly Reduce Heating & Cooling Running Costs - Reducing energy loss through walls by up to 65%, reducing reliance on artificial heating/cooling needs.


Quick and Clean to install - No materials required on site, with great flexibility to work in the overall construction schedule of new builds. Installers can install up to 120m2 a day.


Trusted Brand and Manufacturer - Manufactured under Quality Assurance Standards ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 by Knauf Insulation.


Trained certified installers - Installers are technically trained and certified by the manufacturer with high standards of workmanship.


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Data Sheets

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